
Friday, May 02, 2008

Waaaaaahoooooo! We're back in business!

Who knew that we could all be so dependent on this here modern day technology!? I was starting to have nightmares in which my wee son cut off his finger while retracting a measuring tape and I had no phone to call anyone. I am also oblivious to whatever earth-shattering or non-earth-shattering events have happened in the last month. I guess that might be a good thing, depending on what has happened. I have been relegated to blogging only when I could go over to my parents and bum the internet off of them for a few minutes. Through it all, I’ve realized how much I like blogging. It’s not really the idea of everyone reading the stuff I write. Sometimes it cracks me up that you all tune in to read about big butts and my kid’s poop and dead steers. I realized I like blogging because it is theraputic for me. I enjoy the process of writing, even if it is about small children riding sheep. I was thinking the other day that it must have all started back in the day with Dad’s old green and black screen computer. We would get to go over to his office at the church and write ‘hairy-bear’ stories. Dad would start out with a sentence, and we would take turns adding to it at random. The stories always turned out to be full of twists and goofy turns only a second grader would be capable to contriving. The bottom line is, I think this is where it all began. It was then that writing became fun. So thanks, Dad. And thanks, Erin, for pestering me so much about starting to blog. It’s a lot of fun!


Phillip and Rachel said...

Meg...I don't remember the "Hairy Bear" stories but it's a cute story...welcome back to the dark side of internet addiction...

P.S. I miss you!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad your back in business, Meg! I hope that you are all doing well. Can't wait to see pictures of the house! xoxo :)