Watching the bird feeder, which has been commandeered by the squirrels
Monday, March 30, 2009
Proselytizing, Bombs and Destruction of Property: Mormon Style
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Undercover Camera: Rental Edition
![]() |
Pit of Despair |
Saturday, March 28, 2009
The Saga of the Rental
im interested in talking to someone about renting the property. please call me
(when I called, he answered by saying 'yeah' and then telling me he couldn't talk and hung up. When he called me back in an hour, he had to hang up again because he was getting another call. The third time, I found out he was a bit rude, and then he told me it was outrageous to ask for an additional pet deposit of one month's rent, since he has one or two dogs, a cat and two snakes. He then hung up on me.)
does it have central air?
We are looking for house for rent in Levittown.
We are 4 poeple, 2 kids and 2 adults, no pets, no smoking.
If is this house still available, please let me know- I need to know address.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Kicking the Bucket With Dignity
Now that you've been witness, yet again, to the bizarre ramblings of my brain, I'd like to end by saying, for the record, I am not planning on checking out anytime soon. I just have these strange commentaries that run through my head sometimes. Scary, huh? Pardon me. The doorbell is ringing. They're coming to take me away....
P.S. Its not my fault I have a dimented sense of humor. It runs in the family.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Howz About You Put That Cigarette Out

- The household would include herself, her fiance, her two adults sons, and her son's pregnant girlfriend (and of course, soon to be baby)
- The sons, in her words, are not 'really financially stable, especially in this economy'
- She doesn't know what her credit is like; it was 'really bad,' but she has been 'trying to pay her bills' and do better
- She always pays on time...
- Except that her pesky landlord only gives a three-day grace period, and sometimes you don't get paid till the 5th day, so that's when he gets his check, but he always gets it
Sunday, March 22, 2009
When you're Jeff...
When you are Jeff, you don't get embarrassed easily. You don't mind looking like a blooming idiot (in the humble opinion of your wife). You will make bets with your coworkers and vow not to cut your luscious locks for a month and a half. You will then volunteer to shave only the top portion of your luscious locks, creating something of a Friar Tuck look. When you are Jeff, you will go to work looking like this and think its hilarious, not embarrassing. You will ignore your wife's loving statements, such as 'if you want to go to work looking like a complete idiot, that's your own deal.' And if you are Jeff, you will ask your wife to post pictures on the blog for all the world to see. Here you go, honey. I'm sure the world will appreciate it!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Oatmeal Cookies with Dried Cherries and White Chocolate Chips
2 ½ C. flour
1 tsp. EACH, baking powder, baking soda, and ground cinnamon
½ tsp. salt
Combine dry ingredients in large bowl. Set aside.
1 ½ C. butter, softened
1 ½ C. brown sugar, packed
2/3 C. sugar
1 TBS. vanilla
2 eggs
¼ C. milk
In a large mixing bowl, beat butter, sugars and vanilla till creamy. Beat in eggs and milk. Gradually add flour.
2 C. rolled oats
2 C. white chocolate chips
1 C. dried cherries
Stir in oats, chips and cherries. Freeze batter if desired. Bake at 375 degrees 10-14 minutes.
**Dried cherries are really good, but you can also use craisins. Also, I made these last night with dried pineapple instead of the cherries. They turned out really good! Jeff ate one for breakfast.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
I know I posted a variation of this picture yesterday. We have spent the warm afternoons this week has brought playing out in the yard. Digging is the kids' new pastime. They both sit on either side of the same hole, and take turns digging the dirt, one scoop at a time. You'd think it was their job; they get so focused on their work. Yesterday was such a nice sunny day, in the upper 60's. There we sat, the kids digging in the dirt and I with my nose stuck in a good book. It was really quite nice and peaceful, and sweet, sitting there watching the kids play together in the dirt. They do have a few of my genes afterall. Here's to many more sunny afternoons!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Random Randomness
- Spring is in the air! Free water ice on Friday! Things are showing signs of life.
- My truck went down in a blaze of steam and anti-freeze today.
- Fortunately, it happened in my parents' driveway, and Jeff was released early from his second day at jury duty, so guess who's spending a sunny afternoon fixing the truck?!
- Rachel, where did we find our husbands? And is that a diaper on Phil's head?
- The kids have been like two peas in a pod lately. They follow each other around and are playing together and giving each other hugs and 'tisses'
- Cheepa is taking up more and more space. Only 15 to 17 (ish) weeks to go!
- I actually won something! And its something I've really drooled over for a while: a beautiful girls' jacket pattern from a very talented lady who designs all sorts of fun clothes for her little girl. You can see the pattern here. I can't wait. I already have some fabric in mind...
- According to James, birdies are his friends, and the squirrels are Katie's friends. And he has no qualms yelling out the window at the squirrels, giving them orders such as 'Stwirrel, climb that tree!' or 'Stwirrel, you're supposed to look before you cross the road!'
- And Katie fits into the dress I made her for Christmas. I love it!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
How could I forget?!
Our Week in Photos
You are becoming but a distant memory.
Green! We planted seeds this week, and already we have tiny little broccoli and basil sprouts! Yeah-hooray, as James would say. Spring is coming!!!
And a crumby, but humerous video. This is what happens when I leave for 15 minutes to run a quick errand. Jeff turns on some questionable music and the kids get to dancin'. I'm going to go out on a limb here and postulate that James may have a little bit more dancing talent than either of his parents.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Tricky, Tricky
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Quite Possibly...
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Asparagus Picking: Franch Style
Monday, March 09, 2009
Fun Times
This weekend was fun and hectic. (Aren't all weekends hectic?) And a bonus: I didn't have to show the pit of despair to any potential renters!!! Saturday was beautiful and we went to the park. Later that afternoon we went to our friends' house to celebrate their little girl's birthday. Happy Birthday, Joanne! We all had fun and the kids got to play with someone else's toys; I got to eat french onion dip. Yum. Yesterday we had a fiesta for our friend Ashley (hi!) who was in from Texas. This involved our small group, and Mexican food. Can you go wrong? No. James loves our 'small droop' and is always asking if we are having 'small droop.' He loves playing with the kids, and the adults for that matter. We all had lots of fun......drumroll, please.....Ashley brought me a present from Texas.....real live tortillas of all varieties and some delicious chips too! And how's this for dedication? She left the bag at the airport, and had the ladies stop on the way home from the women's retreat so she could go in and retrieve them! I have already had one with my lunch and not only was it superb, but it didn't even taste like the bag it came in. (which seems to be a prerequisite around here) Thanks, Ashley! We shall be eating many a tortilla this week and I am going to change my menu around to squeeze in enchiladas! Yipee!!! I apologize for using more than my alotted quota of explanation marks in this post, but when there are tortillas involved I can't help myself.
Fun Times, Part Two:
This one is disgusting, so if you are squeemish you might want to skip it. But, it is kind of humerous, in a sick way, sort of. Remember the homemade TV antenna/hot dog roaster extrodinaire that Jeff made? After determining that it did indeed work better than our bunny ears, he precariously installed it on top of the TV, sitting in a coffee cup. I was not too keen on this as I felt it may be a hazard. Let me tell ya! Hazard is right. Saturday night Jeff was messing around with it and it fell from its tenuous perch. It bounced off his noggin and then....this is were it gets gross, ladies and gents, skewered Jeff's ring finger. I am not exaggerating this point. The copper wire (the diameter of a wire hanger) went through his finger (right next to his ring) and stopped just under the skin on the other side. Eeeew. He had to pull it out. Eeeeeeeew. And you can see the entry wound and the spot where it came just under the skin on the other side. He had to take his wedding band off due to swelling, so hopefully it goes back to normal soon. Since it did not involve severing a limb or total dismemberment, it is therefore not worthy of getting checked out according to Jeff. I will now refer to the antenna (which is now safely and securely hanging on the wall) as the Antenna of Doom. While I am not glad Jeff made a finger kabob out of himself, I am glad it wasn't one of the kids. Really glad. Really really glad.
Saturday, March 07, 2009
About the Slideshow
Friday, March 06, 2009
Inquiring Minds Want to Know
- Why do I have two Waldos?
- Why do peoples have dogs and tats?
- Why does Daddy go to work?
- Why did they say there was a thunderstorm?
- Why are you doing that?
- Why are you going to the bathroom?
- Am I a mushroom?
- Is Tay a _____? (fill in the blank with some crazy made up word)
- Are bears and horses naked?
And in rental news, we had one more appointment to show the house yesterday. The guy had already called me on Monday to see if I could still show him the house in an hour. Uh? He had never replied back to me to set up an appointment, so I never set one up. I told him he'd have to schedule another day. That day was yesterday. After waiting nearly 20 minutes, I left. Guess what? He showed up after I left, 25 minutes late. Our tenant called Jeff, who told her to tell him to reschedule. Word on the street is that he was annoyed by that. Hmmm. Methinks he would probably be annoyed if he had to sit waiting around all morning for people who show up late. So far, he hasn't contacted me, and I don't think he will.
Thursday, March 05, 2009
And I thought Smoky the Bear was risque...
P.S. Fortunately I read ahead as I am reading out loud and skipped right over the parts about 'Spin-the-bottle,' although James did ask why Arthur got a bottle for his birthday.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
I Heart My Food Processor
I like you better than my pet hare.
You spin and whirl and chop,
and make me want to hop
with joy.
Did you know that I had such mad poetry skillz? It runs very deep in our family. But on to my BFPF (Best Food Processor Forever). With it, I can chop, slice or grate carrots, celery, cheese, zucchini, onions, and many other things. It can make a mean batch of hummus. I make pizza crust every Friday in it. It can make pie crust and puree soup. Is there no end to the goodness that is a food processor?! Today, I actually made...drumroll, very own peanut butter, au natural, without those pesky trans-fatty acids and/or partially hydrogenated such-and-such. I think I'm in love!
Strange News Story
A poor little old lady fell into a recycling can with her legs and hands in the air. She was kept alive thanks to a heater she had in her garage for her dog, and found by a concerned neighbor. Too bizarre.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
They're taking over the world....
Monday, March 02, 2009
Happy News/Crappy News
I know, I know. I shouldn't use that word, but it ryhmes, and it works. Happy news first:
Cheepa! (which I have been informed is a naughty word in Polish...who knew?) Isn't he adorable and lovely and handsome and delicious and....oh! I can't wait to meet him.
And now for the crappy news.
Those Europeans are brutally honest: More Rental Saga
So yesterday was another depressing day on the rental front. I showed the house yesterday to a husband, wife and their daughter who looked about 20. The parents spoke little English, but the daughter spoke it well so she was the liaison. They were some sort of European, and since I am an uneducated yokel I couldn't tell where, except to guess somewhere not in, but around, Russia. Helpful, I know. Anyway, they were very nice. I explained, again, to them that the house was not in good shape. They nodded like they understood. Well, we walked in and were greeted by the lovely smell that cannot be mistaken: urine. They immediately looked around and back at me with a repulsed look. I know its hard to see past all the filth, and the smell. The man didn't even see the whole downstairs before he walked out. The women looked upstairs, I think out of courtesy, and then said 'We need to get outside now!' All the while, they kept looking at me and saying things like 'How can people live like this?' and 'This is disgusting.' Pretty much the same thing that the others have said, and totally understandable. When we went outside for some much needed fresh air, they asked a lot of questions about the house. I told them what we would be doing (which will greatly improve the house and return it to its former condition, and in some ways better). The guy told me that we would have to do a whole lot more than that to improve the house. He told me everything would have to be redone. (Two sidenotes: all the while, between questions, they were bantering back and forth in their native language, even arguing at times; also, at this point in the story, the guy whipped out an ad for his renovation business...clever, no?) He also asked if I was going to be putting in central air before the next tenant. Uh, no. I don't even have central air in my house. Lets repeat this again, folks, its a R-E-N-T-A-L! If you want the Taj-Mahal, buy your own house and fix it up, or be prepared to fork out upwards of $2000 or more to get what you want. Anyway, the guy shook his head and said, 'No, we can't live here.' The woman asked if we were going to be doing anything about the kitchen (through her daughter). I told her that aside from cleaning and painting, the kitchen would be the same. She shook her head in disgust, and she said in the first and only English I heard her speak, 'The kitchen is disgusting.' (I agree in its current state, it is disgusting, but she meant the kitchen in general: size, cabinets, etc.) The man told me that we would keep getting the 'same trash until you do something about that kitchen.' As rude as it sounds, I really think he was just being honest, with no intent to be mean. No surprise, they told us they were not interested. I cried on the way home. It was all just too much. I am angry that the tenants have managed to do so much damage in 10 months, and that we can't even show it like it is. I was angry that they insulted the kitchen the way they did. I never liked that kitchen, but it worked, and there were 17,000 kitchens like it built here in L-town, and people have been using them for 50+ years. I know plenty of people who are not 'trash' who live with similiar kitchens. Anyway, the whole thing was ridiculous and frustrating. We are now waiting till closer to the time that the tenants move out to advertise and show it again. It is just too disgusting to show, and we fear that when people see it like it is now, they will not give it a second chance if they are still looking at the end of the month. So there you have it, another depressing installment of 'don't you want to have your own rental property?'