Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Eight Years....
Monday, December 29, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
A few Christmas pictures...
Rach and Phil, I noticed you may have checked the blog from Austin a time or two. :) Here are some pictures for y'all. Its not the same without you guys here!
Here are a few pictures from our Christmas festivities. I'll put up a slide show and some videos soon.
L to R: Dad reading the Christmas story; Katie showing off her new dress and adorable giraffe boots; James opening his Bob the Build*r tool set
L to R: Katie modeling James' new animals; Mom modeling her new apron; Me hiding behind my pile o' presents (we were laughing because we realized that 90% of my presents were from yard sales and flea markets!)
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas and....
James was having a conversation with himself this morning. It went like this: 'I shoot buzzards. Its a fun game.' Then, replying to himself, he said 'WhatEVER, James!'
And this morning while going to the, uh, bathroom, I hear him say 'Dis is re-latzin, mama!' (relaxing) Never really looked at it that way.
And last but not least...the surprise. At least for some of you....we are expecting baby numero three in July!!!!!!!!! Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Christmas Celebration Numero Uno
Friday, December 19, 2008
Gingerbread Train Wreck! What fun!
James and I made a gingerbread train during Katie's nap. It turned out just lovely. James enjoyed putting lots of M and M's on the train and in his mouth. He insisted on holding the M and M's the whole time...since that was 'his job, so they don't dit spilled.' He also dipped into the frosting quite frequently. It was a huge mess, but a fun project!
Some things just aren't right. Prime Example: Jello Molds
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
News Flash!!!
James: Where is that jat-hammer going?
Me: Well, he is breaking up the road.
James: No! He is going to his jat-hammer mommy!
Pictures, Video and a Soapbox! Betcha can't wait!
And now for my soapbox. All this craze about 'going green' is really making me scratch my head. Don't get me wrong. I think we are incredibly wasteful people and just buy, buy, buy and then throw it away when it loses its luster. I think we could all stand to go green to an extent, but the question is how? A lot of trendy magazines are peddling 'green gifts' or 'green options' for things we use every day. But! These 'green' products can cost two, three, even four times as much as the original. For example, a box of 30 organic carmels for $45?! I know that each product has an impact on the environment, but here is my theory: doesn't money have a 'carbon footprint' too? I mean, you have to earn the money somehow. Theoretically, if something cost me an extra 30 bucks, and I make ten bucks an hour, I'd have to work an extra 3 hours. That means three extra hours of sitting at a desk, with the lights on and the computer buzzing, or whatever your job consists of. Doesn't that have a carbon footprint? Here's another thing I think is funny: green gadgets. Should I go with the plasma or the HDTV, or whatever that thing is? An Mp3 player or a new stereo? The same trendy magazines are also educating us on which gadget to buy. Why not use what you've got? Go to the thrift store? Or, gasp, go without? Maybe, if you really want to be green, you can keep using the same stereo you've had since third grade to keep it from going to the landfill. Another suggestion I read last night was to avoid packing peanuts and use 'green fillers' instead. The examples provided were peanuts in the shell, popped corn, old t-shirts, or...and this is the one that just doesn't seem all that 'green,' peppermint candies. If they are all wrapped in plastic, and come in a plastic bag, does that really make them green? OK. I guess I've rambled on senselessly for long enough. Now that y'all can see how crazy I am, I think I'll sign off. I've got to go find some peppermint candies to pad Jeff's Calculus book with. He didn't waste any time selling that bad boy. No more Calculus for him!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Funny Kid
Monday, December 15, 2008
I'm all festivity'd out.
On Saturday, we had Jeff's annual fancy-schmancy Christmas party. While we both agreed that it wasn't the best one ever, it was nice and I ate my fare share and then some! I made sure to sample multiple desserts! Mmmmm.
Sunday, James was to have his first performance singing with his three year old cohorts in church. Here is the place where I wish I could show you a cute video of my kid picking his nose or waving while everyone is singing, but James freaked out and wouldn't go up. Oh, well. He's like me. Not much for public performance. Then last night we had our second annual goofy gift exchange with our small group. The gifts included a toothpick dispenser, shoe polisher, a mysterious jar of pickles and....a lovely picture of 15 cats made just for me. And we all know how much I adore cats. The story behind this is that we have two crazy friends who have no less than fifteen felines living under their care. Eight of them live inside. And, their house is the size of my living room and kitchen, no joke. They know I think they are crazy, and they always threaten to give James a cat. I tell them that I am in need of some nice slippers and a cat would make a nice pair. Really, I would not make slippers from a cat, but I do not like cats! Anyway, they made a lovely montage of their brood of cats, which I think was the funniest idea of the night! After all that fun, we are all worn out! Here's to a nice quiet week before we do it all over again!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Another Tale from the Franch
One of the primary pastimes we had during our dating relationship, aside from Bondo-ing Jeff’s old truck, was shooting prairie dogs. Now before you get all wound up, let me explain. To a farmer, these rodents are disaster. Its like having mice in your kitchen, but much worse. They dig up your fields, damaging your crops and creating holes that can break the legs of livestock who may slip in. So, Jeff and I took it upon ourselves to keep down the prairie dog population at the farm. Since they multiply with the speed of rabbits, its nigh onto impossible, but we had nothing better to do. We would hop on the four-wheeler or climb in Jeff’s old pick-up and make laps around the center pivot field, or head on down to the lower fields. Prairie dogs take an awful long time to figure out that they are being hunted, so we usually made several laps before they got the hint and hunkered down. In order not to disrupt the delicate sensibilities of my East coast readers, I will not go into any details about how easy a target they make and, well, never mind. It feels like we spent hundreds of hours on this pastime. One of the most memorable moments was in the spring. The wheat was just sprouting, coating the field in a soft blanket of fresh green. We shot a prairie dog and it fell right on its respective mound of dirt. For whatever reason, we sat there a moment and low and behold, an eagle swept down and landed on the mound. It is at this point, Jeff and I would have a ‘discussion’ about whether it was a golden eagle or a bald eagle. We had both in the area. I’m telling you, it was a golden eagle. If you have never seen one up close and personal, let me tell you: they are BIG! This bird must’ve stood a good three feet tall. We were not more than twenty feet away. There was this beautiful eagle sitting there against the sprouting wheat, and it looked at us for what seemed like forever. If he could’ve talked, he would’ve said ‘Thanks for dinner. This saved me the effort.’ After gazing at us he picked that fat prairie down up with his talons and took off. It was an amazing sight to see. It was no small prairie dog, but the eagle had no problem carrying it away. Now that’s not something you see everyday!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Pictures and a Video! Its a Miracle.
Here's a video of the kids...not the most exciting one ever, but you can see them dancing, especially at the end.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
James Theology
Yippee! (I think...)
And as for the dog....well. As I said there was a dog sitting in the bay window of the house. Turns out, it was a chihuahua. When our tenants called Jeff, he told them he was at the house. They immediately said 'uh, we'll call you right back.' They called back and said that they had a 'little visitor.' Uh, yeah. Really? He told Jeff that the dog is a gift for his wife's mom and that they were only keeping it for a week and a half. So, that's the story. Which I wouldn't believe, except for the fact that Jeff went over and talked to the neighbors and they have never seen the dog before. So, we'll just be checking in after Christmas to make sure the little ankle biter is gone.
Monday, December 08, 2008
- Calculus 2 is over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jeff got an A! And did I mention its OVER!? It feels like a weight lifted off both of us. I saw Jeff reading a non-math book for the first time in ages last night, and it was so weird.
- Katie is so close to walking. She walks around holding on to our hand, but chickens out when it comes to doing it on her own. Soon.
- James drew his first really recognizable picture today! He drew me, complete with un-attached ears, and a scarf on my head. I'll post a picture of it later. I was so excited!
- Saturday is Jeff's fancy schmancy Christmas party at the Mansion. I am looking forward to getting all gussied up and eating lots of fancy food. Its taken a while, but I am no longer intimidated by the fanciness of it all. I remember the first one, we felt like little ol' Colorado yokels who'd never seen a salad fork before.
- James has been asking me to sing 'manger songs' lately. (Christmas songs) Also, he frequently asks me to sing his favorite song, Trust and Obey, and always reminds me 'don't for-dit to sing the fel-wo-ship part'. That verse is his favorite.
- Jeff had to take a half day today because the furnace at the rental is not working. Oi. And, he just called to inform me (the renters are out Christmas shopping), that there is none other than a DOG sitting in the front window of our house. Yep. The lease says no pets. I can't wait to hear what they say. I'm not too happy at all. I'll keep you updated.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Very Useful Information
Friday, December 05, 2008
Gather 'round the campfire, folks...its time for another Franch Tale
Earlier, I said that the 'easy' way was past the canal. There was also a way to get out to BLM by cutting through a long narrow filled with longhorns. Let me tell you, there is not much else that can get your heart tickin' more than that. Edging your way through a long narrow corridor filled with crochetty old cows with spear-like horns sticking off in either direction. We only went that way a few times. Just the thought of possibly getting skewered in some freak accident with a cow was enough to keep us away. Another time we went out, we rode for what seemed like hours. We wanted to see how close we could get to the Bookcliffs. When we can back, we were getting a bit low on gas. We could see the house, but somehow, we found ourselves stuck behind a barbed wire fence. It stretched for as far as the eye could see in either direction. None of us could figure out how we'd gotten on the other side of a fence we didn't see, or where we might find a gate. We ended up pushing the fence over and laying down some brush and driving over it. I still, to this day, feel guilty about that one. I hope that no one's cows got through there or anything. All I can say is that we were young and stupid, emphasis on STUPID. And I can say that word, because James doesn't read the blog. There you have it, another Franch tale. I hope I didn't bore anyone to tears.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
This one made me chortle....
- Where in the Bible does it say that the husband should brew his wife coffee? Hebrews. Huh. Get it? He-brews. Yep. I told you these jokes were bad.
- Where was a car mentioned in the Bible? 'And they were all in one Accord.'
- Where is baseball mentioned in the Bible? 'In the beginning.' Get it? Big-inning. Yep, from bad to worse.