This morning I told the kids to get dressed because we were going to a super secret location. Of course, they wanted to know what exactly the super secret was. Was it the library? The dollar store? The park? They couldn't guess. It takes about 25 minutes to get to the super secret location, and they didn't guess it til we pulled into the park. I took them to the Covered Bridge. We walked quite a ways and explored new territory, including a 100 year old farm house and its dilapidated outbuildings. We also found a pretty big field to run in. Here are a few...OK, a lot...of pictures from the morning.

In front of a small outbuilding

Tyler lost his shoe in the grass, Katie was trying to help him

Looking out over the field

In front of the old, collapsed barn

We're free!!!

I was thinking 'Oh, this will make a great picture!' James was thinking 'That sun is awful bright, Mom!'

James said 'Take a picture of just my boots and my hat.' (He is so ME) Then, when he looked at the picture he said 'Yeah, I really like how that turned out'

You can't really tell, but there were a bunch of snowdrops blooming around the kids

'Cheeeeee' (Tyler's attempt at saying cheese)

James being the protective big brother

Katie adoring her brother, for once

One of my favorites

James explaining 'Hey, buddy! We get to go to the Covered Bridge!'

James proclaimed to me the other day that Tyler is getting used to him, and that they are getting to be best buddies (Awww!!)

My attempt at taking a picture of myself and the kids...better luck next time, Tyler! :)
1 comment:
Great pictures, I love James' hat! So cute, it looks like you have a blue sky with warmer weather, it is snowing here, LOL
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