
Friday, September 10, 2010

Happy Birthday, James!!

Today is James' fifth birthday. I can hardly believe its been five years already. Crazy! Since today we are celebrating James, here is a list of 10 things I love about James:

  • How his cheeks go up and his eyes turn into little crescents when he has a big smile
  • When he is so happy riding his bike that he giggles as he weaves back and forth on the sidewalk
  • How he is so serious about his interests, primarily his interest in farming (he means business!)
  • How he runs around the house in his skivvies and his skinny little legs hopping all over playing his air guitar
  • How he can sing all four verses of Amazing Grace with me
  • When he picks me flowers while we go on a walk
  • How he tells me he really, really, really loves me
  • When he looks at Tyler with such a tender little look in his eye and says 'Tyler's so cute, Mom, I just love him.' (Funny, he never says that about Katie...ha! They are too busy fighting with each other)
  • His developing sense of humor
  • How protective he is of Katie when we go places
  • How he loves to ask questions and learn
  • When he comes up to me, so excited, and says (and this is a regular occurance) 'Look, Mom, I found a present for you. Its a really smooth stone! (I have a lot of really smooth stones in my collection.
  • How, when I ask him how he is going to accomplish one of his lofty goals, replies 'With my ninja skills!'
Did I say 10 things? Well, I got a little carried away. Happy Birthday, James!!

1 comment:

DayPhoto said...

My two oldest were born almost exactly two years apart, one on the 27 and one on the 30. It is so much fun to have almost twins when it comes to birthdays!

Happy Birthday James
