
Thursday, August 04, 2011


This morning I decided on the spur of the moment to take the kids on a little adventure. The original plan was to go to Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve and a covered bridge. (James is very interested in covered bridges). We ended up stopping at Washington's Crossing too: the place where George Washington crossed the icy Delaware River on Christmas Day. Our trip was a lot of fun. The Preserve was nice and they had a big collection of birds, nests and eggs. They loved seeing the owls. Here are a few...OK, a bunch...of pictures from the morning:

The boat pictured is the same style, but not the same exact boat, that was used by George Washington. The boats look very heavy, and the oars along look like they would take several men to maneuver. The house shown is a very old (1700's?) house near the sight. We didn't actually take a tour this time, just walked around, so we didn't go in.

On to the nature preserve: the kids wanted to stop at every tree stump or rock and take a picture!

Are you surprised that James loves this cabin? He really wanted to go in, but it was not open to the public. It was built in the early 1930's, part of the 'New Deal,' when the preserve was a state park.

This kid! He is Jeff's son alright. That's what I get when I ask either of them for a smile. :)

Cheese!! (Meanwhile, Tyler is frantically trying to escape the backpack so he can join the fun)

Proof that I did take Tyler: I think every picture of me in the last 5 years includes a baby on my back.


Behind every beautiful smile...

Is one of these!

This was taken at Washington's Crossing.

I am not sure what this flower is, but it was everywhere. It smelled good, and the butterflies and bees were ALL OVER it!

Van Sant Covered Bridge AKA Cry Baby Bridge***

***Long, long ago, when we first moved here, my sister's friend regaled us with tales of 'Cry Baby Bridge,' which he told us was haunted. He told us that when you park your car in the bridge, turn off the lights, and sit quietly, you can hear a baby crying, and hand prints will appear on your car, along with other terrifying things. We mentally rolled our eyes, but took him up on his offer to take us there. Late one night (see, this was long ago...before kids) we hopped in the car and drove up to the bridge. All the way there, Brian chattered on about local history, and all the creepy bridge stories. As we got closer, he talked more quickly and it was evident he was starting to freak out. Jeff, Rachel and I were trying hard to contain our mirth. As we approached the bridge we were ordered to remain silent. Brian was truly scared at this point. He pulled onto the bridge, and cut the lights. We sat there, holding in our giggles, and silently counted to ten. Then Jeff, Rachel and I screamed simultaneously. It was awesome. (We had planned it that way while Brian wasn't listening) Well, needless to say he freaked out and screamed like a baby. He turned his lights on and sped out of the bridge as quick as he could. By then, we were laughing hysterically in the back seat.

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