
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

If I Haven't Apologized Already....

Coming up with new bedtime stories each night can be a chore. Often, it involves dredging up long forgotten stories. The story I remembered tonight was one that made me feel like perhaps the worst sister ever. We used to go out tramping in the fields. We would find toads along the irrigation ditches. Did you know that toads make little burrows in the mud along ditches? Pretty cool. We would search for toads, and we perfected our technique for capturing them without letting them pee on us. A very important life skill, but I digress. One of the things we did with the toads was make Rachel kiss them. Yes, that was very mean, and yes, I feel very bad. (Sorry, Rach!) We would tell her that if she didn't kiss the toad, we would leave her out in the field. Since she was the little sister, the prospect of being left out in some alfalfa field alone was quite frightening to her. We got her to kiss a lot of toads that way. Maybe that's why she made fun of me relentlessly in high school. Alas, we both survived to be the best of friends!


Phillip and Rachel said...

Kissing frogs was much better than the infamous praying mantis incident...and don't worry, I'll send you my therapy bills! :)

DayPhoto said...

At least the frog didn't pee on her. :)


DayPhoto said...

But I think the toad kissing would be pretty awful!
