
Tuesday, February 05, 2013

School Lunch

James has the honor of student of the week this week. It means he gets to bring in his favorite things to display for the week, make a poster about himself and have someone join him for lunch. Jeff arranged to take the morning off to surprise James. He thought only I would be able to come. It was so much fun! He was so surprised and happy.  I made him fresh blueberry cinnamon scones as a treat because he really likes those. He also got to choose two of his friends to eat with us, and his teacher. It was fun to see him in his element with his friends in his classroom.

And in other news, Jeff picked up his new $700 contact and got home to put it in and it doesn't fit! I will spare you my tirade but it is very, very infuriating, especially since this after many other failed contacts and lots of money spent. I'm thinking a glass eye would be cheaper at this point.


tori said...

Aw, love this post!!! How FUN that you both were able to surprise James at school for lunch with his fav foods...and how special it was to eat lunch with his friends and teacher. Makes me think how special it would have been to me back when I was his age :). How cute.

Love and miss you guys! Glad to hear you guys (and James--at school) are thriving! Thanks for PRAYER for me...and of course tell the kids that I said HI from Spain!!!

love tori

Shay said...

Congrats James, how cool! What's this about the contact? I must have missed this one. Sorry it's not working, ugh.

Terry and Linda said...

I can just imagine the THRILL James had when all of you showed up for lunch! It must have been way up there in the 'outstanding' memory thing.
