
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Birthday Bash: Numero Dos

Ever since Tyler's birthday in July, he has been asking 'When are you gonna make my birthday?' It didn't take me too long to figure out that what he meant to say is 'When are you gonna make me another birthday cake?' He asks me every day, sometimes many times a day. Apparently the cake I made him for his actual birthday only left him wanting more. I was hoping to put him off til the kids' birthdays in September but I finally figured why not make the kid another cake? So, we did. Tyler loves to help cook. Almost every morning, he crawls into my bed and puts his little face in mine, where I open my sleepy eyes to hear 'Get me something to eat! Can we make pan-pakies?' The boy loves his pan-pakies, and he loves helping make them. He was also set on making his cake, so he sat on the counter and assisted in all manner of licking spoons, measuring cups and bowls. That's a tough job, but someone has to do it. We made the cake, decorated it with a gold (plastic) coin donated by Katie, and a few candles. Tyler wanted 'fire' on his cake, so he got it. He also requested we sing happy birthday to him, which we did in true Cheyney style. If you've never heard that, well...you're missing out. Loud. Off key. Improvisational melodies (or not). Did I mention LOUD? It's awesome. And Tyler blew out his candles, and we had cake. It was quite fun and random, and I think we might have to have a faux birthday party every now and then just for kicks.

1 comment:

Terry and Linda said...

Misty has a 1/2 birthday ---- 6 months from the real one for the grandchildren. They get a special dinner, a cupcake, and a small gift...They enjoy it as much or maybe more so than the real deal.
