
Thursday, September 21, 2006

Random Updates

Jeff always teases me when I say "This is really random, but...". Apparently I begin a lot of sentences that way, but that's just the way my brain works. I could go from thinking about what I am going to have for lunch to who sat next to me in second grade to 'Oh, no! I put my favorite sweater in the dryer!' And on the way to the dryer I would stop to pick up a toy and remember that I had to call so-and-so and never get to the dryer until my sweater shrunk to the size of a washcloth. For better or worse, that is just how I operate. At least I am in good company though. Mom and Rach also start many sentences with 'this is totally random, but...". But enough of my random rambling, all that to explain why I called this entry 'Random Updates.' (I guess the greater issue I just made clear was that I am crazy!!!!) So, here it is. Sorry its probably anti-climactic.

1. James is really getting better at walking! He got his first pair of 'real' shoes today. Yipee!

2. Check out this link to Mike and Erin's blog for a picture and story including us:
I like how they refer to James as our 'drooling mascot.' He'll appreciate that when he's older!

3. We will be flying to Colorado on Saturday for a little over a week to visit Marinda and family.We'll post pictures when we get back. Hopefully James only learns 'good' stuff from all his older cousins! :)

1 comment:

Phillip and Rachel said...

Meg, I've gotten so bad that I don't even use "this is random" to precede my statements anymore...I just wander around with my vernacular and bounce from topic to topic rather willy-nilly...(hehehe) do you wanna go bike riding??????????????????