
Monday, November 17, 2014


Tyler had his first dentist appointment this morning. And by first, I mean the first dentist appointment where he actually opened his mouth for the dentist. And when he did, oh...when he did, the dentist declared 'Wow! Your teeth are so green!' Now in the span of about 1.5 seconds the following thoughts ran through my head: "Green? They can't be that gross! I mean, I brush them everyday! No, that's not it. Did he eat something green? Nope. Just oatmeal. What the???' I looked into his mouth and bet your bottom dollar his teeth were green. In fact, there were stunningly green. It was kind of mortifying actually. And it could only be one thing: crayon. I have no idea. I asked him if he had eaten a crayon and he said 'No, Mom, just oatmeal, I didn't eat a crayon!' I am wondering if he ate one in bed the night before? Why??? The dentist cleaned it out and confirmed it was crayon. Tyler told me after the appointment that it was the way Grammy made his oatmeal, that she made it different and in a way that turned his teeth green. Because that seems totally reasonable....

Thursday, November 06, 2014

Grammy gave each of the little kids a little box with Bible verses on note cards. As I type, they are upstairs (supposed to be sleeping) practicing their verse together. It's very sweet. Today, Katie came and showed me her box. She inscribed it with a touching personal note:

Bibul Vrsis
Dow not red or you or goonu blo up and I men it.

Translation: Bible Verses  Do not read or you are gonna blow up and I mean it. 

Sharing the love o' Jesus, that girl! hahaha

Monday, November 03, 2014


 Several weeks ago, Katie went with Grammy and Chappy and I had just the boys. We decided to go to Tyler Park and look around. James asked me for my camera, and went into his own little world. He was really taken by the camera and I wonder if he has found a new interest. He took a lot of the pictures below. It was so fun to watch him frame up the picture in his mind and then take the shot. At one point, he laid down in the field and I asked him what he was doing. He told me he wanted to get the tree line but with grass really big in the front. Is that my kid or what?! :)

 This he didn't take. Obviously.
 The Squatch accidentally coordinated his boots and his sweater. He was also not concerned with the fact that it was sweater weather and not advisable to get wet.
 This is a James shot. I love it!
 James asked me to take this one. I love this bridge! I have a ton of pictures of the kids on this bridge since they were little.
 Jumping for joy!
 Who is this ginormous child and what has he done with my baby?!?!
 They were trying to catch minnows. Minnows are very fast. It didn't work out too well.
 Photo by James
 Photo by James (heart shaped leaf)
 Photo by James
My Big Beautiful Baby Squatch, as I am sometimes apt to call him
Another James pic

And another. I think this is a locust bean tree? Its hard to see but it has really long pods hanging from the branches.

 Photo by James

This was James. I love the perspective!
And last but not least, I convinced him to participate in a good ol' fashioned selfie. The sun was in our faces so it didn't turn out too great, but man, I love that kid! He's the bomb.